afternoon of chiming guitars

couldn't get the flipping thing to play in tune
over and over again playing the same part
tweek the reverb
slap back the echo
twiggle the chorus
finally on take 3456
or some such thing
got it down
proabably luck
fingers so sore
back to drum sounds
flips n fills
oh freends
it so easy to go overboard
when your putting on your creative genius hat
put every good idea in ya
on the one thing
show what ya made ov
n leave nuthin' to chance
but you know
then its dull
its over blown
its boring
so walkin that line
not so easy
wanna be cool
wanna be interesting
but not a 70's prgressive rock record
(sorry to ya ELP and YES fans out there...)
even hawkwind actually
more tomorrow
bass parts
backing vocals and
a killer lead
I hope!!


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