
love jumps
from one to another
a seemingly endless journey
drawing some in
n leaving others behind
dizzy n nervous
worn n weary

my world is full of lovers
old n new

one love
is ending crushingly...
is the way it is supposed to be?
is this the way its mystery is supposed to go?
leaving pain n resentment
things unsaid or implied
which make you wonder
if they will ever heal?
searching endlessly for a way back
only to find those roads closed
flooded by the moments you never quite grasped
bridges broken by words you never said
actions you never desired
grey bleakness fills you
some sort of resignation takes hold
and the dark night can even look
brighter than this day
i can only watch this sinister dance
n hope
n pray
n hope my own silence
may heal theirs

a new love
is forming
a soul friend
has been making new discoveries
her joy n happiness a beacon
as the mystery of love n connection
overtake her
there is much hope n mystery n magic
abounding in these moments
looking outward n inward
finding the points of connection
of contact
sense of together and apart
of community n family
finding a way to be
to grow
to stay true
to be your deepest truest self
with this other
so you can offer it out again
the mystery of real love
not to keep it to yourself
but to break it open
and become love for the whole world
this love could heal you from cancer
could change the world
but i promised not to get too excited
or run ahead . . .
time is needed here
time to know
to ask
to do the stroll
n not the run
n keep the love rolling

my love
ebbs n flows
dives n weaves n soars
i live in the love of friends
my special ones
my little ones
my darling ones
my healing ones
my hoping ones
my loving ones
so what more
could I ask?


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