post nativity lull 2009

what is it
about this time of year
which makes us
evaluate it all

is it the heat
which cleanses n burns like fire
forcing us to concentrate on what matters
inner stuff
mind heart n soul
as energy can't be spent
on too much more
than essentials?

is it the rituals
long lunches n over fed meals
presents n trees n photos ops
which give way to
test match cricket
web browsing
new books
gentle swims
all bringing us into slow land
n back into

the last few days
been good
despite this transient vertigo virus
that seems to get me
after periods of prolonged busyness
so i
sort of
lie there
get bored
annoyed angry
until it goes away
its better today -
thank your deity -
so theres a small mercy

i think about italy
n espresso
the latin course i am signed up for next year
our travel to nz
what the future holds
for poet and prince
guitars n stars n hoop-o-la
you get the picture


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