prayers 4 loan travelling

travelling solo
a journey for one
seated alone with
thoughts is solitude.
books read in seclusion
under the shelter of loneliness,
of isolation.
private prayer
the unaccompanied
monastic life
no company in this land

I traverse the rocky plains n valleys
I seek the secret signs
I drink at hidden rivers
I see without eyes
I hear without ears
My confidence ebbs and flows
But my love is constant
if undefined
I voyage without movement
I see all in an eye blink
I almost choke in the heat
I draw my cape around me in the unexpected cold
Snow and rain my brothers and sisters,
dust ever present.
I am guided by forces unseen
most present to me
when I feel them least.
seeking a sign of their presence is futile
they remain hidden until
i am ready
to see.


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