ten still left pt 2

six: travel
whilst i love to roam
there is no place like home . . . 
i love the idea of travel
of british countryside
and italian summers
of paris in autumn 
and new zealand januarys with those i love but
fiscal concerns count
as does stability
n not exhausting my family
nor dragging em
round the globe
this one always surfaces
hold on future
we're coming

seven: new norica
don't get there enough.
nough said

eight: exercise
oh dear oh dear
need to walk run swim stretch
and do i
sometimes i am good
sometimes i am not so good
laziness is an in built part of me
n i am getting to the age where I need to move more
intake less
so freends
a little support 
if you please

and there we stop freends
reckon if I was doing this ok
the rest would take care of itself
ciao for now


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