Land flies by
a white sphere carrying the future generations
father son and princess
southerly direction
the great highway opens before us:
the future
the present
the past
all meld into one
flying through the outback
suburbs blur
train lines join and straighten
great power line monsters pace their way
across acres of subdivision
and chalk markings
children cry
puppy alternates between wake and sleep
we visit the elders
we cook and talk and
discuss the old time
the puppy brings some joy to the bed bound
the children bring joy to them all
I sit and take it all in
for once aware of the moment
of its awe
of its mystery
these days will not always be
these too will pass away
i will be left
i will grieve
and i too will pass away
in that moment
I thought of all those I love
of my dearest friends and companions
of the great love mystery
which enacted us to be drawn together
i was thankful
i was awed
i was humbled
by all the love shown to me
you who read this
are part of this mystery too
for your friendship
for your journey
my blessings
for your love –
mine in return.