here, but not now

head exploding
full of plans
pulling me this way
n that
all about

whats next

what are the options
no more study
time to do some living
perhaps some changing
what do the next 20 years hold?
where do i want to live?
how can i follow my passions?
what is worth pursuing?
what parts of my life need a desperate prune?
what is life giving

there is an urgency here somewhat
perhaps i'm a little preemptive
but I see time
slip slip slipping away

there is so much beauty to see
so many experiences yet to have
its not all chasing
part of me feels the need to jump
(but not off a bridge my friends)
to cast off
to let go
and see where i land

holding all this in tension
with a beautiful girl
the prince and the poet
n the hound
the basic needs of life
can make it seem
but to set aside
will not help
this river keeps flowing
the voice keep whispering
the heart keeps calling

as old Joe Campbell said
it really is about
following your bliss

expect the unexpected my friends!


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