Setting the Scene 2: To medicate or not?

I'm very aware that in the West, pharmaceuticals are an integral part of our medical treatment.
And I am grateful for that in all the forms it comes in to assist with quality and length of life.

Working with my GP, I was not surprised that he considered an SSRI as an adjunct to my work with the Psych.
Anti - Anxiety meds work well to help calm the fight and flight reflex so it made sense as part of the over all treatment plan. Nonetheless I still nurse some reservations about this. I'm not sure why  - after all much of my work has a mental health and pastoral care focus and I would recommend to people seeing their GP and having a conversation about this very thing!  

So after trying a very common anti-anxiety med for three days . . . .  pretty much nothing to report.
I felt a bit nauseous and hot for the first two days and today that feels pretty much gone - but I feel like I've just got over the flu.

All pretty normal effects apparently and will pass soon with any luck . .


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