Friday 5 - A Purpose-Driven Life?

A Purpose-Driven Life?

1. What do you think is your purpose in life?
Life is about personal exploration and both living and reflecting on its mystery.
To be the best me I can be, create, communicate and spread some love, joy and peace.

2. What is your greatest gift to the world?
To be my best true self.
Whatever that is and wherever I find it, I offer that wholeness back.
Anything else is a poor copy drawn from poor motives.

3. Is charity important to you? If so, how do you give back?
I give back in small, not large gestures.
Love those closest to you. Live well. Live with honesty,
Support those you love. Create spaces for growth and healing.
Create moments for joy and celebration.

4. Is life worth all the problems in the world?
The world will always have problems.
In some ways globalisation has made things worse.
We see all the worlds huge and aweful issues, but often forget the begger at our door, the addict at our gate. our starving countrymen.
Life, for me, is to begin to see what is around me.
It is a gift I cannot waste, even amidst the hurt.

5. What gets you through the day?
Coffee. Prayer. My kids. My parter. My friends. Music. Good wine and food.
My incredible work place.

Current Music: Crosby, Stills and Nash. The first album.

Current Mood: Level headed and tired.

h/t T.G.I.F.


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