Spiritual Friends - Abhishiktananda

Dom Henri Le Saux, later to take the hindu name Abhishiktananda, is my next spiritual friend.  A little known hermit, his influence is felt through much of the work of Bede Griffiths and other teachers of contemplation.

Abhishiktananda was a Benedictine monk from the Abbey of Sainte Anne de Kergonan in Brittany, France.  In his late 30's he travelled to India to form a Benedictine community with Jules Monchanin. Their aim was to have a monastic community in the style of an Indian ashram. This would have been a progressive idea now (Bede Griffiths did do it with some success) but in 1950 it was a miracle it was even thought of !

The idea failed somewhat (Until Bede took over the community) with Abhishiktanda spending much time traveling around India and immersing himself in Indian spirituality,  spending extended periods in silence and solitude. Abhishiktananda opened his heart to the world and spent time dialoguing with people (esp. Anglican missionary Murray Rogers) of all traditions and backgrounds, sharing the riches and wisdoms he had found in his explorations.  

It would be easy for me to say simple things about Abhishiktananda and his life. He was an early interfaith warrior. He was a Benedictine seeking to find new depths and ways in the rule. He was a hermit. He wrote some good books. But none of these are personal enough.

What I find in him is a holiness without borders. He led me deeper into prayer through silence and solitude and openness than anyone else I have read - and I have to read him in small doses now to take it all in. He kept his sense of humour and compassion despite his touching the flame of life. He was no plaster saint. He struggled with what he was called to (who wouldn't?) but stayed with it and found a very real, very deep "awakening" at the end. For some people, his path is probably almost heretical, but I don't see it that way. If " The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.” as Karl Rahner says, then Abhishiktananda was one of the futures first pioneers.


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