2 ways 2 heal your sole

the last days have bought
two types of healing
in the best sense of
putting back together
of joining what was broken
of restoring.

the first -
by stealth
an old friend
who married another old friend
and drive to their house
excitement bouncing in your stomach
with hope
n anticipation.
allow a joyous reunion to occur
watch the years melt away
as children play
wine is drunk
meals shared
memories recounted
laughter roars
walks n talks in the nights glow
ice cream consumed
tired children carried n kissed
coffee sipped
then fond good byes
it is almost over
too quick ...
and you drive away
warmed from reconnection
thank you my friends
thank you
lets do it again

the second
drive 132 kms north east
through the country side
take your usual crew
the community
some wine n food
good vibes
your children
stay in 100 year old buildings
play footy with ya son
chat with your friends
in the morning
join the monks for worship
the initiation of the youngest of your crew
he of three months of breath
in full style
sublime music
beautiful liturgy
sing your heart out
watch the child
celebrate in style
drive gently through the afternoon sunlight
past canola n wheat
arrive home
feel good

hope your weekend
was as wonderful
as mine!


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