crossing places

between old n new
now n zen
today n tomorrow
dream n the plan
sleep n wake
birth n death
lie the crossing places
new years day
all are crossing places
the old world too
before the christ became the norm
had it places
the mid summer mid winter feasts
the equinox's
and a million others
places where the present moment
is as tangible a breath
where time seems to stop somehow
i have always resonated with crossing places
they seem
deep within me somehow
the feasts of holy mother church
drag me in to mystery
to that moment
even after the initial childhood attractions
christmas and easter
still hold magic for me
i seek ritual and spaces
which draw the crossing places out
speak out their glory
enhance their mystery
try not to define their wideness
nor diminish
their present-ness
we hide from crossing places now
drown their significance in alcohol
or rowdy revelry
commercialise their potential
reduce their symbols to trinkets
we refuse their power to speak
we refuse their impact
we refuse to stop n see
the crossing places will close themselves to us
if we remain standing only at their door without entering
if we allow them to be only childish or old worldly remembrances
if they are only dead traditions to us
my life seems to be a seeking of these places
places of transformation and growth
of change
crossing places


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