in flip in reverse and opposites

Christ messe is hitting hard here
Celebrating the birth of the saviour with
Over commitment
La la la la la
You’ve heard me say it all before freends!
Sorry to bore you
Its just that this year
It feels a little more important for me to
Notice it
Speek it out to ya and meself
Teach me littilies the truth
Try and see beyond
You know anyway.
Don’t ya?

Today we celebrated a fellow littlies birthday
Myne ran ragged
Ate well and then bid farewell
On to the next big event
The carols by natural organic light
(as in wax procurements)
songs to be sung
dances to be rehearsed
frustrations to be carried out
guitar strings to be strummed
self images to be maintained then
the afternoon
was as different from the morning
santa from jesus
lingering lunch
cricket on the tube
(now for you readers from around the world
that’s a rather lovely game
where men wear white
and chase a red ball around a green field
or throw round arm as fast as they can
at the poor fella whose supposed to hit it
with a nicely shaped piece of tree trunk
its really rather beautiful)
littlies asleep on the sofa
cards written
blooges dwelt over
books read
bills paid
mail answered
prayers spoken and unspoken
coffee drunk

just a usual day
in Ck world


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