where'd you go or a tale of lost reindeer

Normalcy hits for a few short days
The prince disorientated by the close of one celebration
And the coming of another
Raced around the supermarket
Looking for Santa

The chair
The elves
Even Rudolph seems to have got his act together
And disappeared
Into the mythic skies

He was
the little man
in five Christmases
this is the first
Where he seemed to get
The whole shebang
The competing stories
Of red suits vs swaddling rags
Presents vs gifts
Elves vs kings
Giving vs receiving
Joviality vs transformation
Greed vs happiness
Emptiness vs mystery
It’s a lot to take in when you’re five
It’s a lot to take in when you’re thirty-seven…
Finding deeper truth
In all the stories this time of year
With our sophisticated minds
We in and out
Keep and discard too easily
Cant see it as a whole
Lost the innocence
Haven’t yet found deeper meaning
Distracted by purchases
n cooking
Family issues
n keeping everyone happy
but the children
take it all in
Christmas is really for ‘em innit?
They understand the awe
The wow
The mystery
(there’s that word again…)
without judgement
go to church
and sit on Santa’s knee…

hot today
air con on
(very environmentally wrong…)

take care freends

nak sirhc


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