wonder n beauty n the city

i love the city
i do
i play mental games of country life
i flirt with it
like a beautiful girl at a party
making you feel good with her smile
her positive bio rhythms
but you both know
its just a nice chat
little giggle
n you'll remember her later
with happiness
but no attachment
thats me n the wide blue yonder to a t
love to visit n look
but send me home
the older i get
the closer to the city
i want to be
obscure little food shops
signs in languages you didn't even know existed
busy people full stop
passers bys
school kids going to inner city schools
with mates from all over the globe
travelling on free buses
street musicians
plying their trade
with humour n
various amounts of skill
inner city churches
mostly deserted weekdays
places of beauty n art if ya lucky
art gallerys
festivals n parades
train stations packed for the daily grind
its home to me
my inspiration
and more n more
the place where
i experience the mystery
most fully
as i walk
n cycle
drink coffee
n chat
watching the world go by
is strangely comforting
now i am sure
others find the city
cold n inhospitable
a place of poverty
harm n illness
n this side
saddens me
beyond belief
city heal your poor
feed your hungry
encourage your artists n musicians
stage your plays
n grow kindness
n tolerance
n love


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