three day cameos

sunday sans temple
sans car trip through the inclement weather
sans having to decide
was it good or ....?
instead it was slow speed
yesterdays paper
children entertaining themselves
adults slow to mentally come round
holy - time
wind howling
small child joined me at some point
of the night
stroking their hair
i realise its the young prince
disturbed by the night noise
he sleeps peacefully by my side
no wonder
he has all the pillow
it is just before 6
but dark as the deepest night
rain pours
windows shudder
my senses increase my wakefulness
i worry (again) about the
huge palm tree in our garden
but it has been here the 40 years of the house
and has stood firm
so i worry
for worries sake somewhat
the lad is now
but awake
together we wait
warm and secure
for the day
to begin
later morning now
the sounds
fill the house
michelle boob lay
singing spider man
entertains the youngest ones
mrs ck and i
deconstruct the bedroom
preparing it for new
sleeping apparatus
clean every nook n cranny
find long lost socks
items with no owner
items which seem to have
metamorphosed in the interim
of lost n found
palms still blow
psalms are said
rooms cleaned
children bicker
games played
love shared


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