digging around for the reason

what inspires you freends?
a cough - e?
da moosic?
painting n poets n pleasure?
a crush?
its a grab bag for me
a mixture
of all that floats around in the synapses n pathways
of the hemispheres
last night it was
red red wine
the church
the quiz
n the cheese
which seems to slow down
all the mental work...
this morning it is coffee n eggs
winny n chant
what mixed up masterpiece
will come out of all this ?
you ask quite rightly
perhaps a cafe smart children's space rock spiritual treatise?
or 100 culinary quiz questions?
a mystical chant on the tao of pooh
interpreted and placed
on a red wine bottle label?
mistress inspiration
comes in waves
townshend had it down
this is THE mystery
you play the same thing for
days or weeks
months even
then one day
it hits you
the over played idea
becomes a song a symphony a track
you're off
or not
sometimes the inspiration to continue comes hard
sometimes not
the idea remains that
just an inkling of what could be
other times
the whole thing appears
laid out like a map
its a gift
a cosmic revelation
a piece of the divine
which we tap into
which is given to us
the dreamer
the writer
the musician
the painter
the saint
always on the outside
and this is why
too unpredictable this stuff
when it comes
you can battle an army
when its lost
you strive for it
look for it in all the wrong places
try anything to regain it
and this makes us
n moody
up n down
loud n quiet
n scary
needing to interact
n craving solitude
but when it all happens
there's nothing like it
and afterwards
you feel clean
this outpouring into your craft
almost sacramental

this blog


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