carnivale darkness

the carnivale
was a success
humanity packed into a street or two
children meet
animals n ferris wheels n bouncy castles n gelati
ck tries to meet an espresso
but met the crowded resistance
the missus sang her songs
the gathered group quietly appreciative
how much applause can you expect these days
without a drummer?
but she was great
a bit a joni
bit of this
bit of that
in her dark blue dress
like a celtic princess
no fanfare or nothing
just her and jo jo
doing her thing
special moments these huh?
kids n family outside
exploring it all together
then later
a dark and brooding chat
with some freends
peak this n that
oil n gas n looming danger
all sounded a bit
much to me
ya see i read the paper too
bout the freaks n geeks n running scared
and i have a certain sympathy
but what about
about buying shotguns
to protect ya food
well maybe yeah but
but i didn't get
what they got
me's an optimist
i believe in the possible
in the moment of grace
in the fact that everytime we seem down without a hope
think h bomb, cold war, vietnam
humanity has this strange way of
bouncing back
of recovery
in the nick of time
some call it coincidence
i call it god
i dont mean we shouldn't take care of this place
we have to be wise stewards n all that
but panic never
served no one
and i should know
being the panic n worry king
and days like today
fill me with hope
we can work together
we can be one
the little one can
have a bright future
so lets!

see you anon



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