performance anxiety

i have been reading kilbeys blog
with devotion
with love
with frequency
and with a critical eye for truth
and musical choices
and today
was keen


which of course warms this ole mystics heart

last night
my colleagues and companioons
mentors and young learners
gathered for
end of season
cele brutions
speech ers ohs ahhs
dancers prancers
singers and swingers
the new
and leaving
i was there too 'course
all in black
trying to hide back stage
wanting to be phantom
only being a ghoul
and lead the kids in a moment
or two
of silence
a theatre is a sort of mystical place too ya know
a temple to
the creative and the brave
all that black and lights
i was a bit detached too like kilb's said
seeing it all like a film
just there in it
and outside it
watching my breathing and all
kids do it without thinking
in the moment
no self
no little critic jumping up and down begging for our attention
its just us faded
big 'uns
who need to learn it all over again

so live detached today
free and creative

see ya anon


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