its all about da moosic

here early today freends
last night
me and my musical brother
he of the whiskey
the godfather of my young prince
man of fender and epiphone
phil, in mortal speak
spent our few regular hours together
playing listening discussing
drinking laughing rolling evaluating
we have listened
to some sweet tunes in our time
weller cockburn kilbey
the dan the council the crowdies the church
ricki donald walter neil and tim
nick drake
all becoming part of the fabric
the shared knowledge
the backing track
of our day to day
struggles and joys
and traveling
new vistas are opening up for us
the vast and the
sounds for living
and breathing
i have discovered
pete namlook n tetsu inoue
david sylvian
dead can dance
catherines wheel
go on
get on ya itunes
or whatever
and look em up
give yourself a new sound
to change your day
be a musical magpie
allow the mystical
force of music
to get to ya
dig around the back of records shop bargain basements bins
ask what the cd is at
the cafe the restaurant the beautician the newage shop
stop and listen to that busker
they may be an artist in disguise
support your local choir
garage band
marimba ensemble
taiwanese fishmongers string group
gregorian chanting monks
whirling dervishes
you know the drill


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