aria aura awards

can you preen?
can you strut around like a stuffed turkey
hi5 all the young n glamerous
trying to paw you
can you pose with a gitar
and mutter some two syllable response
to a question asked by
a second rate early school leaver?
welcome to the ozzie moosic awards
and you could win
awards for best afro
best satin pants
least likely to want to grow up award
and my favourite
best new artist who pretends to be something their not
just to succeed
i mean
this is moosic?
a balm for the soul?
more like posion which creeps up your veins
keeping you happy
until it takes you over and
you can't tell good from bad
what happened to
most creative album
biggest risk taken moosically
most improved?
best lyrical content
album sales as a measure of worth?
i think not
hitler was popular
so were the bay city rollers
but no one wants either of them back!
the electric smashing led zep ripping power stut stuf
is outta date
outta mind
outta favour
outta here
and still selling records.
maybe i'm old
maybe i'm right
maybe far away
in a parrallel universe
the artist
and honoured with their own
the aura awards
wouldn't mind
that one


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