
hello blooging friends
sorry for the missed day
a runaround day at the desk
well outside with the keeds
and too tired to write you a little lesson
when i was home.
it is warm here
an oppressive heat which
drains you
stops you sleeping
tires your walking and waking
after a berry breakfast
and the caffine drug
this morning
i went with a freend
to the beading house
many woman walking around
peering in little jars and containers
like witches looking for an eye of newt
or scorpion eggs
dried cockroach
whispering to each other
pointing and discussing
fiddling and fussing
consulting books of spells
or runes
all their creative juices running
matriarchs and novices
wizened and the fresh of face
pulling out and putting back
it was a very hushed place
Intense almost
me and the littlest boy
the wizard and the apprentice
sat on the couch provided for us
and watched
with some amazement
and of course, some amusement
but it was another world
these colours n stones n metals
wires and pliers
jewels and totems
lucky charms
miraculous medals
and we spoke few words
the neophyte and I
but I think
me and he
and wanted a gift from this place
so we too entered the magic of these women
and started
to see
to experience
what was the stuff here?
what is this?
and we never did quite
crack the code
but i did think up a neat little
bracelet for me
in black n gunpowder silver
maybe me shew it to ya
love you


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