awnthua dae

It was just another day dearest friends
Another day by any standards
Time with the fam a lee
Time with the comm uni ty
Coffee and talk
And some shopping
The great western consumerist pastime
humanity in all its multicoloured glory
Was out in force
buying buying buying
replacing renewing researching
enhancing every cranny
turning their homes into great copies
of someone elses mastepiece
But only a few purchases today for the k’s
The essentials
The organic and the wholesome
And some bedding
In orange
Very attractive
a few nice sounds on the machine
And the usual mistakes mishaps missed chances and
Another day
Mine and yours
I got some silence in the morning
As the sun was coming up
deep breathing
chanting quietly to myself
why doesn’t that peace last the whole day
why are some days better than others
why is a CD perfect one time
then grating the next
we are complex critters
we creatures of god
and today
I experienced it all
See you anon
As they say
Enjoy your day
As it starts or ends
And find
The mystery
I love you

nak sirhc


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